After waiting enough years for Haim and Feldman to get old and do cameos only we have Lost Boys 2... and Serena from HorrorMovies.ca has posted the first review. In it she praises the film for its cinematic appeal and how it re-defines the vampire genre competely. I am dead serious, accept for all the parts about the movie being good. Here is a highlight from her review;
The Tribe (I refuse to call it The Lost Boys 2 again.) has the visual and cinematic quality of a youtube fan-based video. I have no idea why the filmmakers and film studio thought this was the film fanboys/girls had been waiting for for over two decades. The Tribe is chock-full of embarrassing references that will cause many head smacking “I can’t believe they went there” moments.
The audience is also treated to another slap in the face with a rock cover of “Cry Little Sister.” This cover would sound great in a bar done by a local band, but hearing it in a scene which is supposed to homage Star and Michael’s love scene from the original was again insulting. The film even messed up its own universe’s mythology. In this film, the vampires can not turn into bats, nor can they fly, and when they get killed, they turn into stone and then explode. (Yes, very lame indeed.)
Go give the entire review a read. We were supposed to have an interview with Corey Feldman but unfortunately at the last minute he backed out. Probably got a preview of Serena's review, knew we were friends and well.. you get the idea. Damn you Serena! I am a huge fan of Feldmans and you ruined my interview. :)
This sequel takes us to the shady surf city of Luna Bay, California, where vampires quickly dispatch anyone who crosses their path. Into this dark world arrive Chris Emerson (Hilgenbrink) and his younger sister, Nicole (Reeser). Having just lost their parents in a car accident, the siblings move in with their eccentric Aunt Jillian and become new prey for the locals’ way of life.
When Nicole unwittingly falls for a local vampire, Chris must locate and destroy the gang’s lifeline before his sister’s transformation is complete; to do this Chris finds himself relying on the expertise of none other than Edgar Frog (Feldman). Subtle references to characters from the original film, and cameos from returning actors offer homage to the Lost Boys legend and set a sinister tone of impending doom.
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