Kudos to Director Hari for his fearless remake of the lost and found twins.This must be the most succesful masla formats in cinema.This must be the 1000th movie in Indiabased on twins.
Hari has given importance to detailing such as chains worn by the twins,getting seperated in a train journey,growing up in different places but one thing he has done differently,only one hero(surya) has a heroine.The other is left in a lurch.There are laxmi and Ranjitha to give some tearjerking moments.
Best of the lot os KalaBhavan Mani who plays the villain.Burns up sugarcane fields,tries to beat up Surya now and then and finally becomes a sucide bomber trying to blowup a train(Its a not to miss action sequence) alll this for a unique reason(suryas adopted father put him in jail).
Any way all is well with Asin as usual playing a sweet foolish girl.Every thing is fine,the pace of story telling is the only thing which makes you sit through the movie and surya's performance carries the movie to some extent.You get a feeling that Surya wanted to wear a dhothi and fight with an aruval just like his brother did in paruthi veeran.
Plus Points: surya,fast story telling
Minus Points: every thing else
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